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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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2 Subjects

Self-Assessment Medina

Self-Assessment Medina

Q Self-Assessment Assignment Instructions Purpose: To practice self-assessment skills for professional and personal growth. For this assignment, you will complete a self-assessment of your work and performance during your capstone project. Self-assessment allows you to honestly and critically reflect upon your learning during this project. You will consider your challenges, accomplishments, strengths, and areas for improvement. Self-assessment skills help you to determine the inherent value of your learning during this process and to develop goals for professional and/or personal growth in specific areas. To prepare for this assignment: ? Read all lesson topics ? Dedicate some time to thoughtful reflection on your capstone performance ? Review course and project learning outcomes to determine your level of achievement ? Consider your own accomplishments, challenges, and others’ feedback related to your project To complete this assignment: After taking time to reflect on your project, complete your self-assessment. Be honest and candid. Think critically about each area of self-assessment. Using the template provided, answer the questions below. Student Information Student Name Date Project Description Mentor Dates of Project 1. YOUR PROJECT: a. Describe the major tasks you had to accomplish for this project. b. What were the most difficult tasks? c. Which tasks are you most proud of and why? d. Did you accomplish all you expected or set out to do? Why or why not? e. What did this project contribute to your work, your community, and/or your professional field? 2. YOUR SKILLS: a. Describe the skills you had to use for this project. b. Which skill strengths did you bring to this project? c. What new skills did you develop during this project? d. What existing skills improved as a result of this project? e. Identify specific skills exercised during this project that will transfer to other areas of your life. 3. YOUR PERFORMANCE: a. How would you describe your overall performance on this project? b. What part of this project did you enjoy the most? Why? c. What part of this project did you enjoy the least? Why? d. Describe your challenges during this project. How did you overcome them? e. Describe what you might have done differently to improve your project or the outcome. 4. YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS: a. Describe your major achievements, personal and professional, in this project. b. What did you not accomplish that you would have liked to? c. What were some risks you took during the time span of this project? 5. OTHERS a. Explain specific positive comments or feedback that you received from others. Were these helpful to you and why or why not? b. Explain any specific critical comments or feedback that you received from others. Were these helpful to you and why or why not? c. How did your mentor support you? Was this support helpful or not? 6. YOUR LEARNING: a. Describe three things you have learned during this entire program that you most associate with the success of your project. b. What was the most important thing you learned from completing this capstone project? c. How has completing this project changed the way you think about yourself, your work, or your profession? d. How will this project prepare you for future career advancements? ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS/COMMENTS: Submission Instructions • Save your file as a Word document (.docx). • Include the term SelfAssess and your Last Name when saving your file. Example: SelfAssess_Garcia.docx • Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button.

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7. YOUR PROJECT: a. Describe the major tasks you had to accomplish for this project. The presentation is completed with all its required materials and concerns, and details. The primary significant tasks are completed. b. What were the most difficult tasks? The most challenging process was the presentation making and presenting it to the audience and formulating it in a concise manner. c. Which tasks are you most proud of and why? The making of presentation and the whole project is very interesting, and I am proud of choosing my topic and presenting it to the healthcare provider.